Reflect & Renew-Winter Solstice for the Soul!

The longest night of the year, the winter solstice, inspires people to respect the night in the natural world. 

1. Harmony

This gloom might serve as a blank canvas for contemplation and self-examination.

Winter is a time to look inward; the quiet and darkness can bring forth fresh ideas and desires from the soul.

2. Moving Inward

Winter is a season to heal and replenish oneself, as well as to soothe the nerves.

3. Deep Slumber

Celebrating the rebirth of light with loved ones can be prompted by the winter solstice.

4. Rebirth

A ritual for the winter solstice includes lighting a candle and saying a prayer. 

5. New Year Dreams

The prayer can ask for limiting beliefs and negativity to be burned away, and for the Yule flame to light the spark of hopes and dreams for the year.

Being born on the winter solstice is frequently regarded as spiritually significant since it is thought to endow people with special abilities such as knowledge, intuition, and a link to ancient traditions.

6. Unique qualities